Set the management IP address for a Power Systems AC922
You will need to set an IP address for the management interface to allow for remote access to the BMC interface.

Before you can do this you will need to have set up your AC922.
The default setup for the network interface for the BMC is to use DHCP. If you have DHCP enabled on your network, then connecting the new system to this will allow the system to pick up an IP address that way. Identify this IP address from your DHCP service, and you can access the management interface.

If you need to set a fixed IP address manually, then you will need physical access to the system. Connect a monitor to the VGA connector on the rear of the system (label 2 in Figure 1), and a USB keyboard to the port on the main system board (label 4 in Figure 1). To set the IP address, you will need to start the system, by pressing the power button on the front of the system when it is flashing green (label 7 in Figure 2). It will take a short while after power is applied to the system before you can power it on.

Following the power on self-test process, the system will start to boot, and you will see status messages on the screen. The system will then get to the Petitboot menu, from where you can choose the Operating System to boot into. In this menu, choose the bottom option to ‘Exit to Shell’ to get to a command line interface.
In this interface, you can access the BMC using the pre-installed ipmitool command, which can perform most administration tasks. To set a static IP address on the BMC, you will need to run:
ipmitool lan set 1 ipsrc static
ipmitool lan set 1 ipaddr <ip address>
ipmitool lan set 1 netmask <netmask>
ipmitool lan set 1 defgw ipaddr <gateway>
ipmitool mc reset cold
The final step restarts the BMC, which may take several minutes. You can check the current settings by running:
ipmitool lan print 1
Confirm that you can ping the new IP address on the interface to ensure network connectivity is working correctly.
To set the IP address back to a DHCP deployed address, you can run the following commands.
ipmitool lan set 1 ipsrc dhcp
ipmitool lan set 1 access on
Next Steps
You can now continue with your installation by:
- Accessing the management interface
- Accessing the system console
- Installing an Operating System